
The Beauty Of The Chase Part 3

The Beauty Of The Chase Part 3

Know we have established the make up of God by looking at the make up of man we can delve deeper into "The Beauty Of The Chase".

Losing whats most precious to you. While I was in primary school we used to sing this song called "Magic Penny" or something along those lines and one line of the chorus still sticks with me today it says "Love something if you give it away give it away love is something if you give it away you ending up having more". Let's look at a Biblical example of someone not willing to give something away because of its worth.

Remember when the Prophet Samuel was looking to anoint a new King over Israel he found himself at the house of Jesse. Jesse presented his seven sons to the prophet simply based upon their outward appearance or what he considered to be good King material but decided to leave David out tending to the sheep. What we can learn from this account in that sometimes in our Christian walk we are willing to give away assets to God that WE feel may please him but often hold on back the things most precious. So we may offer God our finances but not offer him our time or we offer him our families but not offer our jobs.
God simply requires the heart of his children. I have heard many preachers and teachers say that David was insignificant in the eye of his father I would beg to offer a different perspective. I believe that Jesse knew that David was important thus why he was reluctant to call him to Samuel, back then sheep were a form of finances and riches, the more sheep you had the more you were considered wealthy. Jesse knew that if he lost his most precious possession David, his income or livelihood would be at risk remember David would fight and kill bears and lions just to protect his fathers flock in today's corporate world managers would call that an invaluable asset someone willing to lose their life over a job! In our case our most precious possession is our hearts we are often reluctant to give it away because we feel that we may be short changed, we feel the value of our heart cannot be matched and we are afraid to give it away to someone who claims they care for it. The lesson we can learn from Jesse that although we are afraid to give away something precious God will always reward it with something better. Once David had become King, Jesse had no reason to want for anything because he was related to royalty so are we joint heirs with Christ.
Give God Your Heart

Part 4 we will look at characters and the differences in chasing God and being lethargic in your relationship!


  • Unknown   1 July 2010 at 08:43

    Greetings my brother and thanks for connecting on Twiitter (preachloud) I Enjoyed your blog posts. I agree totally with your post here. It takes a time of giving and giving more until we even begin to get some reponse. So keep up the fine work. Your season of investing will always be follwed by a sesaon of reward.

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